About the Event
What Is Celebrate Recovery? // Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered and Bible-based 12 step recovery program. The purpose is to focus on God’s healing power through fellowship with others.
How Celebrate Recovery Works // This proven recovery system uses the traditional methods of issue groups, sponsors, accountability partners and special occasions to build recovery for those struggling with addictive habits, codependency, childhood hurts and other life experiences that affect our peace. In Celebrate Recovery groups, the walking wounded study, pray, share and take the steps necessary to experience a better life.
Who is Celebrate Recovery For? // Anyone can participate in Celebrate Recovery. Anyone ready to start a new life...the churched and the un-churched...men and women...the addicted and their families...the guilty, sad, or compulsive...anyone in need of recovery!
Dinner is Served - 6:00pm: Join us for dinner downstairs in our Fellowship Hall. There you will get a hearty meal and warm welcome.
Worship & Teaching - 6:30PM: Our large group time starts up in our worship center. We start with a welcome and then invite you to join us in worship, provided by our CR Band! After worship we engage in a time of teaching or maybe hear a personal testimony of how God is working in someone's life.
Small Groups - 7:30PM: Join up with other people just like you who are journeying through life's hurts and hang-ups and finding healing and wholeness through support, prayer, open and honest sharing, and healthy human connection.
Solid Rock Cafe - 8:30PM:Enjoy some coffee and sweets, check in with old friends or make new friendships. Stay and be a part of the CR family at Lakeview.
*Large Group and Small Groups are for adults only. Need a Ride? Call 218-525-6625 before 4pm. (Lincoln Park/Downtown/Central Hillside/East Duluth.) You can also take Duluth Transit bus line 103 and get off at Lakeview Covenant Church.
Childcare currently provided for ages 6mo - 10 years old.
Newcomer? Have Questions? Contact Ann (women) at 218-591-3175 or Jon (men) at 218-269-0166.
www.crlakeviewcovenant.org for additional information.