
Current Series


Sabbatical Learnings

Evan will be focusing on the difference between being tired and being restless.  Jesus invited Evan to wrestle with the difference between these two as he spent lots of time in Matthew 11, specifically verse 28 which says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Vital Essentials

During this series we are going to encourage and challenge you, as the church, to live into three "vital essentials" needed for us to live into our vision at Lakeview.

Paul's Letter to the Philippians

Question for you: wouldn’t it be great if you had a “playbook” that you can go to in the face of an any life circumstance?  In his letter to the church in Philippi, the Apostle Paul offers a “Whatever Happens” guide for us to use in any circumstance.

Lakeview at the Movies 2023

In this series, we explore the intersection of our Faith and our culture.  Like we did last year, we will look at a specific movie, explore its message and themes and hold them up to the truth of Scripture.

Jonah - Accepting the Call to Go

The story of Jonah is a popular one due to the story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale and living through the ordeal. But there is so much more to the story. There are themes of mercy and grace, despair and discouragement. Jesus seemed to really like the book of Jonah as He referred to the prophet multiple times during His earthly ministry.

Outpouring of the Spirit of God

This Sunday we remember and commemorate the Day of Pentecost. While Jesus’ disciples were praying, the promise of the Holy Spirit came to ignite the mission and ministry of the church. How awesome it is that the same Holy Spirit empowers us as the church today!

Promotion Sunday

We will be celebrating and affirming our young people at Lakeview. Our confirmands will be sharing their faith stories, and we will be celebrating our high school graduates and those moving from Lakeview Kids into Youth Ministry. It will be a Sunday to come around our young people and encourage them as they continue their journey of faith.

Finding our Way Forward

In this series, we will take 5 weeks to talk about mission and vision at Lakeview. Over the past year, the Leadership Team has done great work around this, as well as the staff.  We will share where we see God leading us as we find our way forward as a faith community.


The resurrection story of Jesus is the ultimate Losing Jesus / Finding Jesus story in all of Scripture. Christ’s resurrection means death is defeated and we can enter into life eternal with Jesus Christ as our Lord.

Losing Jesus; A Lenten Journey

For some of you that title might sound different, a bit odd, and even counter intuitive. Often times we talk about Jesus “losing and seeking and finding us” (read in Luke 15.) However, we are also called, over and over again in scripture, to seek God (read Jeremiah 29:13 & Matthew 7:7).  This 40-day journey leading up to Easter is a time for us to “enter the wilderness” like our Lord did, and allow God to do a renewing work in us through repentance and self-reflection. 

The Jesus Platform

The word beatitudes essentially means ‘wonderful blessings.’ However, when you read the beatitudes, they don’t always sound like wonderful blessings. Nobody wants to be poor; we don't naturally strive to be meek; and we certainly don’t like to mourn or be persecuted by others for our faith.  Join us in this series as we dive into the words of Jesus.
