September 17, 2023 | Dave Hugare
Passage: Genesis
Have you ever asked “The Big” questions regarding life? You know, the “Is there a God?” and “Why am I here?" and "What is my purpose?” kind of questions. We all have asked those questions from time to time, as has everyone throughout the ages.
Often, when we read the creation story in Genesis, we immediately go to the HOW questions, “Exactly how did God create?” Now the HOW questions are also answered in Genesis and important to discuss and debate. But there is more to the story! The story of creation in Genesis also answers the “Who is God?” and “Why am I here?” questions. Join us this Sunday as we find out exactly who God is and the reason why He created, and how we all fit into the plan of creation.
Series Information

Genesis is a book of new beginnings, do-overs, and a reminder of God’s goodness and faithfulness throughout the ages and to all people. As we dive into Genesis, we will lean into the beautiful truth that Jesus was there in the beginning and that he is still with us today, teaching, calling, and drawing us close to him.