October 15, 2023 | Ryan Starr
Passage: Genesis 6:9-9:28
In this series on Genesis, we have been reminded that we were indeed created "very good" but that the effects of sin and the fall continue to seep into everything. As we delve into Chapters 6-9 we see how sin spread throughout humanity and even effects creation itself. We learn how the earth was full of wickedness so God uses a flood to un-create and returns the earth to a pre-creation state. He chooses to spare one family and a bunch of animals to reboot everything. Thankfully our God, is a God of do-overs!
Series Information

Genesis is a book of new beginnings, do-overs, and a reminder of God’s goodness and faithfulness throughout the ages and to all people. As we dive into Genesis, we will lean into the beautiful truth that Jesus was there in the beginning and that he is still with us today, teaching, calling, and drawing us close to him.