October 08, 2023 | Dave Hugare
Passage: Genesis 4:1-16
This week we are going to talk about another one of everyone's favorite topic: sin. Here are a few interesting stats on how we relate to sin: in a recent Barna survey, 50% of people have no idea why they sin and have no plan as to how to deal with temptation. Close to 60% of people said that the last time they were tempted, they did nothing specific to avoid giving in to the temptation.
These are staggering numbers, especially in light of the fact that in Genesis 4, God tells Cain, “Sin is crouching at your door.” Truth is, we all have a sin problem, most of us don’t realize it, and we have no practical ways forward in dealing with our sin and brokenness.
This week we will explore sin and learn ways we can resist temptation in our lives.
Series Information

Genesis is a book of new beginnings, do-overs, and a reminder of God’s goodness and faithfulness throughout the ages and to all people. As we dive into Genesis, we will lean into the beautiful truth that Jesus was there in the beginning and that he is still with us today, teaching, calling, and drawing us close to him.